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2 Ton Heat Pump Air Handler Matchup: 4TWR6024H1 with GAM5B0B30M21

2 Ton Heat Pump Air Handler Matchup: 4TWR6024H1 with GAM5B0B30M21

  • Manufacturers: Trane
  • Brand Name: Trane
  • AHRI #: 7562094
  • Rebate Amount:

Tonnage      :      2
SEER      :      16
EER      :      12.5
HSPF      :      9
Heat Pump Model      :      4TWR6024H1
Air Handler Model      :      GAM5B0B30M21
CFM      :      820
KW      :      1.96
COP      :      3.9
HKW      :      1.71
Heat Capacity      :      22800